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  • Discover what the true risks are in America right now and how to prepare for them all. 
  • How to create enough clean drinking water to keep your family alive for months.
  • ​How to have home-cooked meals every day even if the power and gas are out of service.
  • ​How to save a life, even if you have no medical experience.
  • ​What supplies to stockpile and how to keep them safe from marauders. 
  • ​Where the safest place is for your family during a natural or man-made disaster.
  • ​And Much Much More...


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"THANK YOU, Jason! I have taken your advice and am ready if anything happens....No I realize what I didn't think or the things you talk about. Thank You for allowing us who haven't been through this kind of thing, to be able to become ready. You're a life saver, it's becoming scary, to say the least..."

- Chuck
"THANK YOU, Jason! I have taken your advice and am ready if anything happens....No I realize what I didn't think or the things you talk about. Thank You for allowing us who haven't been through this kind of thing, to be able to become ready. You're a life saver, it's becoming scary, to say the least..."
- Chuck
From: Jason Adams
Re: Your Copy Of The Family Survival System
The World is moving in a disturbing direction - Global Pandemics, rampant inflation, unrelenting waves of immigrants arriving in the US every day and crime rates higher than we've seen in decades - it's more important that you and your family are prepared for whatever may come than ever before.

Take a moment and consider this.
Right Now The US Government Is Over $35 TRILLION In DEBT
We can hardly pay the interest on our debts and the rest of the World is getting very tired of funding our gross over-spending. There is literally no way we can pay off that debt, thanks to the idiotic actions of our government.

What happens when our creditors come to call?

Destabilization of the US dollar and hyper-inflation aren't a "maybe" anymore, now we're just waiting for "when" it will happen.

When our economy crashes (and it will) you'd better know exactly what to do to ensure the future and safety of your family, and that's exactly what you'll discover how to do in the Family Survival System. All broken down into simple steps and checklists you'll follow until you're prepared for anything.

Things are getting worse and you must know how to prepare and protect your family for the inevitable. 

I’m Jason Adams, a former member of the US Armed Forces and a certified disaster and survival expert.

And I’m going to show you how to keep your family safe, happy and healthy, no matter what you have to face.

After over 20 years in the Armed Forces, 60 FEMA certifications and hundreds of hours of survival and evasion training I've learned a thing or two. 18 months ago I decided to share my knowledge with the public and over 51,000 people clamored to get access to the only complete system on the market that gives you the tools, training and techniques to keep your family safe in today's crazy times...

Today, and today only you can claim a copy of my book Family Survival System. And you can get it for FREE...

51,473 people have already paid $37 each for their copy of my book, and they discovered things like:
  • What the true risks are in America right now, how to recognize them and how to prepare for them all. Can you say over "35 Trillion dollars in US debt"? If you think nothing bad is going to happen you're kidding yourself, the crash of 2008 and the evisceration of our economy during COVID was just a hint of what's coming down the pike. 
  • On page 14 you'll learn how to use the trash in your garbage can to create enough clean drinking water to keep your family alive for months, without having to build anything or buy any expensive filters. An adult can only survive 3 days without fresh water, this one thing WILL save your life...
  • ​On page 26 you’ll learn exactly how to have home-cooked meals every day even if the power and gas are out of service. You’ll laugh at how simple this is and wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that before?”
  • ​How to save a life, even if you have no medical experience. During a crisis people will be wounded, you can count on it, follow the Family Survival System and you will know exactly what to do when you, your family or even a stranger needs your help.
  • ​The truth about protecting your home. Just having a weapon in your house does you no good if you don’t know what to do and how to do it you’re more of a danger than a protector. You’ll discover exactly what type of weapon to have and how to use it to protect the ones you love.
  • ​What information to stockpile and how to keep it safe from marauders. The family with the most knowledge wins the game of survival every time.
  • ​Learn where the safest place is for your family during a crisis. Hint, it’s not always best to stay home and it’s not always best to leave during a disaster and once you go through the Family Survival System you’ll know exactly which is right for you and your family.
So What Do People Think Of My Book?
Like I said, 51,473 people have already bought the Family Survival System and they gladly paid $37 for it, luckily you can grab your copy for FREE today. All I ask is you help cover the small shipping and handling fee. They found so much value in it that I've received thousands of unsolicited testimonials from all around the World, and here are just a few:

"Hey Jason, Thanks for all the info. I will be trying all your suggestions within the week as you have simplified my choices, thanks for that.

- Craig Ramsby

"THANK YOU, Jason! I have taken your advice and am ready if anything happens....look forward to your emails so I can read and realize what I didn't think or the things you talk about.Thank You for allowing us who haven't been through this kind of thing, to be able to become ready. You're a life saver, it's becoming scary, to say the least..."

- Chuck 

"Hi my name is Colby Morris, I have looked over this guide and I can say that it is.... Amazing! I love the amount of time you put into making this for people like me that want to survive and be peaceful when anything happens. I love the way you put everything together so that if anything happens while in gone I know my family will know what to do if I am not there. I have a binder right next to my gun of all the amazing info I have from you. And I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for people like us. I hope one day I could shake your hand and meet you. Thanks for everything you have done for our amazing country and what you are doing now. Godspeed and good luck to you and your family no matter what happens. God bless"

- Colby Morris

"Just got your book. Read it and want to thank you! Best Info I've yet found on what I was looking for. Thanks, and GOD Bless America."

- Francis 
Plus - I'm Going To Send You A Free Copy Of My Newest Book, "Home Security System"
After going through certifications, trainings and interviewing police and security specialists I collected all the knowledge they have about home protection. And I created a system to turn your home into a reinforced bunker that will keep you safe regardless of what’s happening outside or who wants to get in.

You’ll find out how to identify every weak point in your current home security. You’ll know how to find the weaknesses that thieves and looters will see as opportunities.

It normally retails for $47, but I'll send you this life-saving book completely FREE when you claim your copy of Family Survival System today.

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover in the Home Security System:
  •  How to protect your front door so no man can ever break it down. 85% of home invasions take place at the front door and this simple system will give you 5 simple ways to turn your front door into a hardened barricade. And an inexpensive trip to your local hardware store will give you everything you need.
  • There is one place in your home that is made to be broken into by design. Thousands of home invasions happen here but no one thinks to just remove the opportunity for intruders. You can remove this access point completely with a single snip of your scissors, if you know where and what to snip.
  • For anyone over 65 this system is even more valuable. You may not have the physical strength to fight off an intruder. So you must fortify your home and make sure no one can ever get in without your permission.
  • ​How to keep a SWAT team from smashing through your doors, walls and windows whenever they please. And at the same time help law enforcement if you do need them.
  • ​What's the right kind of surveillance equipment and how to use it to actually deter criminals rather than just record them.
  • ​How to protect an apartment. Apartments can be difficult to protect by their very nature, you'll discover the system steps to solve this problem
Claim Your Free Copy Of The Family Survival System And I'll Send You The Home Security System 100% Free As My Way Of Saying "Thanks"
Fair warning - I'm about to release the Family Survival System and Home Security System in retail stores across the US. Once that happens my publisher will not allow me to give this away for free any longer.
Not only are you getting a copy of the Family Survival System and a FREE copy of Home Defense System, but you also get 365 days of FREE 1-on-1 support and consultation with me. I'm here to answer any questions you have! This one thing is worth over $197 to you, but you get it FREE when you claim your copy of the Family Survival System today.
If you have any questions at all. You can just type up an email and you'll have your answers immediately. 
Our customers rave about how fantastic the help and support they get is, just take a look at a few of the letters we've gotten in the last few days...
"You know, it is a pleasure to deal with a company which considers the 
customer as a equal! You have always been there to answer my questions 
as requested, and that shows class, and pride for which you work.
Thanks again,
- John"

"I want you to know that I think your service is outstanding.
The messages were prompt and very courteous. Keep up the good work and
Good Luck to you.
- Sandra Barbee"

Go ahead click the big button and claim your copy of the Family Survival System for FREE and get Home Security System and 365 days of 1-on-1 email support absolutely FREE. There are no catches, no hidden billing, all I ask is you help cover the processing and delivery fee.
Make sure to send in your feedback once you get your copy, I'd love to hear from you...
Always Safe, Always Prepared,

Jason Adams
Always Safe, Always Prepared,

Jason Adams
A Few More Testimonials From Our Incredible Customers....

"I figured even if the materials were not great I might learn something. I was greatly surprised and impressed with the quality of what I received, and the excellent content.
I am a US Army veteran, five years Active, and eight in reserve.
I have camped, rappelled, done white water, canoed the Boundary Waters, and done a lot of outdoor stuff in addition to my military training, which started as a clueless wet eared ROTC cadet going through RECONDO, Platoon in the Offense, Platoon in the Defense, and other tactical training at Ft. Bragg in 1966 though I did not serve in  SE Asia, or have any combat experience, being a REMF for all of my service.  Lots of my buddies did do the late 60's in RVN, and some of them are still my best friends.  I have represented some PSTD afflicted vets who got into trouble, and I managed to keep them all out of jail or prison.  
All that said, and hundreds of books into it, I found your materials to be at the very top of what I have seen, extremely practical well written, and well presented.
Thanks for making your material available.  I'm am now an entertainment lawyer working in music and film as well as a gun collector, cowboy shooter, musician and songwriter. I still enjoy my work and my family and I sure hope that we don't ever experience anarchy in the streets, but if that happens I plan to be as ready as possible to protect my family by being able to survive in an off the grid shutdown which presents the possibility of life threatening conflict.
Thanks for contributing your very important and valuable material to the "what if" scenario.  It should be the first thing read by anyone who seeks to become educated and prepared for a large scale emergency situation.
You are hereby authorized to use any part of this email as an endorsement of your materials without compensation to me."

Bill W. - Florida

"I am very impressed with all the useful information you have provided. I thank you. I am a satisfied customer. I look forward to learning more.

B. Hess

"Jason that shows class. You're not out to just make a buck. You're a family man just like me concerned with the goings on in this world today & how we can keep our families safe. But you take it a step further & let folks know not only can they be safe in whatever crisis there may be but they can fight back & be prosperous in any crisis. You just showed me with that email you just sent that you are not just another oblivious person trying to make a buck on others emotions but rather you want other families to be able to protect themselves just as you would your own family, that says a lot & I appreciate it thank you."

Loren Summers
I've received hundreds of letters and emails just like these and love every single one we get! People feel safer because of the Arm Up System and now it's your turn.

Click the big button below and get your copy today at this low price while it's still available...
Copyright, All Right Reserved - 
All written testimonials presented on this page are from actual customers of Family Survival System and have only been edited for spelling and content to fit the constrains of this webpage. *A free copy of the book will be sent to you digitally, all we ask is that you help with a small processing and delivery fee.